Lightweight Land Rover Club - Membership application form

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Members of the Association of Land Rover Clubs

Membership application form

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Main Membership Applicant

Associate Membership Applicant (see details below)


  • Membership subscriptions run for 12 months from the date of receipt
  • Joining fee £3.00
  • Annual Full Membership fee £20.00
  • Associate [Joint] Membership fee £5.00 [for Spouse/Partner/children 14+, living at the same address]
  • Overseas Membership £25.00
  • Payable by Cheque to: LIGHTWEIGHT LAND ROVER CLUB LTD or
  • BACs: Sort code: 30-90-90 Account: 46245860 Lloyds Bank Plc. Blackpool.
  • Please put Membership and your name in the Reference box

Membership of the LWLRC is open to all whether you own a Lightweight, are intending to enter into Lightweight ownership or just love the breed. However, we would love to know about your vehicle if you have one, so please complete the following details:

We are always interested to find out about your Lightweight, so please tell us what you know about it, have done with it and what your future intentions/aspirations are:

Data Protection Statement: Any details you supply to the Club will be retained in the form of paper records and Encrypted computer files in accordance with the Data Protection Act. The contents of these records will only be used or disclosed in confidence by the Directors or Company Secretary of the Lightweight Land Rover Club Limited to such parties that require them by Law, these being the Directors or Company Secretary of Association of Land Rover Clubs Limited of which the Lightweight Land Rover Club is an affiliated Member and Companies House.

Please allow up to 30 days for processing of application

Join Our Club!

Learn the benefits of becoming a paid member of the Lightweight Land Rover Club, then sign up and pay via our application form.

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Club history

Lightweight history

